Mar 24, 2012

Create A Vintage Photo Effect

Hi friends, it’s been almost a week, since we have come out with new post. It was a busy week for me. Fine, today in this Photoshop tutorial we will create a vintage photo effect in easy steps. You can use your own images and transform into vintage photo. Ok not let’s move on to the tutorial.


STEP-1   Download and open the image.

STEP-2   Duplicate the image by pressing CTRL+J. Once you have duplicated the image, press CTRL+SHIFT+U to change the image into black and white.

STEP-3   Go to Image>Adjustments>Brightness Contrast and set the following values.

STEP-4   Again go to Image>Adjustments>Hue Saturation and set the following values.

STEP-5   Create a new layer set the background color with the color code # d7c8bd.

STEP-6   Set the blending mode of this layer to color.

STEP-7   Download any scratch texture from the net, place it at the top of all the layers, set the blending mode of this layer to vivid light and opacity to 25%.

STEP-8   Create a new layer at the top of all the layers, press G to being the gradient tool, set the following gradient color as mentioned below, and drag it from left to right. Now set the blending mode of this layer to HARDLIGHT.

STEP-9   Create a new layer at the top, bring in the elliptical marquee tool and make a selection as I done it below, press CTRL+SHIFT+I to inverse the selection, fill the selection with color black.

STEP-10   Now to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and the radius amount to 80 pixels.

STEP-11   Again go to Filter>Noise>Add noise and set the noise amount to 16.50.

That’s it we have completed the tutorial. This is the final preview of the image.

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