Apr 4, 2012

Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon

Let’s take a look at how we can create a simple calendar icon in the Photoshop CS6 Beta, taking advantage of the new Stroke options within Shapes!







Simple Calendar Icon in Photoshop

Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon

Step 1

Like most of my design based tutorials, I’m starting off with a 1280 by 720 pixel document, using a simple texture I created for the background. You’re free to use any sized document and background that you wish.
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon

Step 2

Once your document is ready to go, it’s time to start laying out our shapes, starting with our main Rounded Rectangle. A simple white Rounded Rectangle with a Radius of 40 pixels should do the trick!
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon

Step 3

When your first shape is in place, let’s add two quick Layer Styles. A Stroke and a Drop Shadow.
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon
This will leave you with a very subtle outline and drop shadow:
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon

Step 4

When the first shape is complete, we want to create two duplicates, and clip them to the original Rounded Rectangle.
- Start off by duplicating the current shape with your Command/Ctrl + J shortcut.
- Once the shape has been duplicated, move it up by about 8 pixels (Press the up arrow 8 times).
- When the shape is in place, right-click on the shape’s layer in the Layers Panel and choose Create Clipping Mask. This will place our newly duplicated shape inside the original Rounded Rectangle.
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon

Step 5

Now that the second shape is in place, repeat the last step to create an additional ‘page’.
- Duplicate the shape.
- Move it up by about 8 pixels.
- If the layer become unclipped from the duplication, right-click the layer, Create Clipping Mask.
You should now have two additional pages:
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon

Step 6

We’re now going to create the paper that has been torn off. Create a standard Rectangle towards the top of your design. It should over about 1/3 the way up, and should be slightly darker than the other shapes.
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon

Step 7

When the new shape is in place, we again want to make sure it’s Clipped (right-click the shape your Layers Panel, Create Clipping Mask), then we want to add two Layer Styles.
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon
You should have something that looks like this:
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon

Step 8

At this point, we want to add a ‘tear’ feel to this shape. As we’re not going for a realistic looking calendar, we’re going to keep the look ‘stylized’.
- If you want the option to be able to edit your shape later on, it might be a good idea to convert for smart filters. This can be done under the Filter menu at the top.
- Once converted, add a Wave filter (Filter > Distort > Wave) to give a stylized tear to your shape.
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon
Your ‘tear’ should look something like this:
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon

Step 9

Now that the tear is complete, let’s go ahead and add the red border at the top of the calendar. When you grab your Rectangle Tool, set a nice red color for the Fill, then look slightly to the right at the new Stroke option that’s available to you! Choose a slightly darker color for the Stroke, a size of 3 pt, and choose the Dashed line.
When you’re choosing the Stroke type, you can customize it even further in the More Options window. If you want to see see the new Strokes in action, check out this post!
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon
When the shape has been drawn out, it should look similar to what you see below. You want to make sure to create it slightly larger than the main shape.
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon

Step 10

Like our other shapes, we want to make sure it’s clipped to the main shape. Right-click on the new red shape, Create Clipping Mask.
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon

Step 11

When the red border is clipped, it’s time to add a few Layer Styles! The Stroke Layer Style will allow the dashed stroke to appear insetted slightly.
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon

Step 12

The main calendar is complete! All you need now, is text!
Photoshop CS6: Simple Calendar Icon

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