Apr 7, 2012

How To Create A Glossy Red Apple With A Bite Using Photoshop

Need a stylish Apple icon with web 2.0elements for your poster or booklet cover design? Well, this tutorial will showyou the key steps on how exactly to do it using Adobe Photoshop. We will createsomething almost akin to the Apple company logo, but of course fullycustomizable for your own poster printingand postcardprinting projects. Just make sure you read carefully so that you do notmiss a step. Let us start.
1.     First setup the right background for our apple. Light and neutralcolours would be a good thing for our apple to stand out. So for this example,we have set a nice light green and white gradient background. Simply use thegradient tool and adjust the colours to achieve this.

2.     Now, first we draw an apple. To do this, simply use the Ellipse toolto draw a circle first. For our purposes, we have created a red circle. Now,add two anchor points on the left and right side of the top anchor point of thecircle. You can do this by using the ÒAdd Anchor Point ToolÓ on top of the texttool. Do the same anchor points for the bottom.

3.     Next move your top and bottom anchor points to create our appleshape.

4.     Next, use the ellipse tool to cut out a bite in our apple shape. Todo this, you just need to hold the ALT key first whilst dragging the ellipsetool on top of our apple shape. You should see then a minus cursor sign appearand of course the shape below being cut according to what you inscribe.
5.     Great! With our shape all setup. We now go to the styling of theapple shape itself. To access the layer styles and blending options simplydouble click on our apple shape. In the window that opens, first click on theblending options and set your fill to 0%.

6.     Next, click on the option for inner shadow. Then, apply thesesettings.
a.     Blend Mode: Multiply, Color Dark Red
b.     Opacity: 50%
c.     Angle: 118 degrees
d.     Distance: 5px
e.     Choke: 0
f.      Size 18px
7.     Now, click on the inner glow option. Use the values here for thesettings:
a.     Blend Mode: Normal
b.     Opacity: 52%
c.     Colour: Light Red
d.     Elements Size: 40px
e.     Quality Range: 50%
f.      Rest default

8.     Finally add a gradient overlay by clicking on its checkbox. Use ared and dark red gradient overlay by editing the gradient colours. Just clickon the gradient box and edit as needed. Use the default values for the rest ofthe gradient options. If you think though your colours are reversed, simplyclick on the reverse tick box.

9.     Finally, add a 1 pixel red stroke by clicking on the stroke layerstyle and adding the appropriate values.
10.  Great, now we have an apple shape with some great shadow and glosseffects.

11.  Now, using the pen tool, create the leaf.  It should have four anchor points.

12.  Then, use all the same blending options that we used for the appleshape.  (Right click on the originallayer and choose copy layer style. Then paste it to the leaf layer.)This timetough change all the red values to green. So all dark red settings will becomedark green settings, and the same for the light reds and plain red valued.Convert them all to their green counterparts.

13.  Also you may add a part of the stalk. Again use the pen tool to usethis. Paste the apply layer style to this too, and of course change the colourbase values from red to brown.

14.  Great! Now you have a nice glossy apple with bite mark.Congratulations!

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