Mar 23, 2012

Create a Dark Portfolio Web Template in Photoshop

Hi friends, happy to meet you one more time through this tutorial. In this tutorial what we are going to see is how to create a dark portfolio web template in Photoshop. The reason why i mostly post tutorials related to because i myself is a graphic and web designer and i love to design web templates. Ok, lets go into the tutorial.

We need the following assets to go ahead with this tutorial. Click on the link given below to download them
Wood texture
Step 1: Open a new document of size 800 px X 800 px
Step 2: Now open the downloaded wood texture and make a square selection like this and drag and drop the selected area into your document

Step 3: Take the rectangular marquee tool and make a selection like this and fill it with black color.

Step 4: Take the elliptical marquee tool and make an elliptical selection like this and fill it with black color.

Step 5: Goto Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur and apply some little bit of gaussian blur

Step 6: Place that gaussian blur layer below the black rectangle layer

Step 7: Again take the rectangular marquee tool, make a selection like this and fill it with white color.

Step 8: Create a new layer and again make another rectangular selection like this and fill it with black color

Step 9: Group both these white and black layers and then take further two more copies of that group and place it like this.

Step 10: Similarly draw further one more rectangle like how you have done in step 8 and step 9

Step 11: Add drop shadow to the large white rectangle with the following settings

Step 12: Just add some more text like this.

Step 13: Next choose the custom shapes tool and choose this arrow and create two arrows like this. Color of arrow is ffa800

Step 14: Place some images inside those black rectangles to get something like this.

So with this, the tutorial comes to an end. Hope you all enjoyed this tutorial. Always expect something unexpected from tutsfriend.

Download free psd from here

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